Friday, May 8, 2009

What Comes After The Blues?

So like today, I got onto my school bus and sat in my usual seat. I had my back pack and one of my favorite books: UNTIL DARK by CHARLAINE HARRIS...and I was ready to go through a usual Friday at school...hoping that today would end as soon as it started...but it never happened! See, today once I got to school, I was ready for another day with my friends to survive one of my last days in SEVENTH GRADE!!! I walked into first hour: survived it! Survivied SECOND HOUR and made my way to third catching up with my friends: KELSIE AND SAM! It was an okay day today...but then fourth hour crept up on me! On my way to ENGLISH, one of my friends KAYLIN (last name is a told me that my funny/stupid/dorkis/cool/GREAT friend ALISSA (last name is a is moving to TEXAS! And I thought it was at the end of the year sort of thing, but today was her last day! And I wanted to cry sooooooooooooo hard and just cry like a baby thru the day! But I knew that my image at school would be made fun of if I let at least one tear slip...selfish right? I know...but I came home, and mourned to myself and remembered the good times with her.........I miss her already you know? Have you ever felt something inside you saying that things are okay but you see past that and you know that they won't be? I do! I've experianced that today and I will for the rest of the year...waking up and realizing that I won't see her...or him...or them! I guess I just need to know that I will see or speak to her ever again! Right now, I feel empty! Just like the picture above...and it made me think of an episode of One Tree Hill...the episode was called WHAT COMES AFTER THE BLUES? And it is right you know? Alissa is gone, and I'm sad....which counts as so called "BLUES" and right now, I'm eating my heart out with fries! and slurping them down with a pepsi! I'll take a shower soon, and then read some more in DEAD UNTIL DARK...and then I'll go to sleep and have a sad and depressing dream or a happy and colorful one! And once I wake up in the morning, I'll remember all of today as it rushes back into my head...and then I'll just stare at myself in the mirror or at my carpeted floor and I'll get teary eyed! Then I'll go to my bus, and survive a miserable day on Monday! And then I'll survive a really slow, bad, miserable week...and then take on the really slow, bad, miserable seventh grade year! I'll catch you later guys...bye!

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